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AFKDAO is a DeFi infrastructure for utility NFTs. We believe that the value of utility NFTs comes from the high utilization rate of such NFTs including membership pass, game NFTs etc. To maximize the NFT utilization rate, we need to make NFTs rentable and accessible to NFT-specific DeFi services to make them a real asset class rather than being tied up to sole centralized utilities within a game.
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Explore endless possibilities, dive deep into analytics,
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Explore endless possibilities, dive deep into analytics,
and snap up the freshest crypto gems with full access and early reveals, all under the dynamic Guardian Role!
Explore endless possibilities, dive deep into analytics,
and snap up the freshest crypto gems with full access and early reveals, all under the dynamic Guardian Role!
Explore endless possibilities, dive deep into analytics,
and snap up the freshest crypto gems with full access and early reveals, all under the dynamic Guardian Role!
Explore endless possibilities, dive deep into analytics,
and snap up the freshest crypto gems with full access and early reveals, all under the dynamic Guardian Role!
Explore endless possibilities, dive deep into analytics,
and snap up the freshest crypto gems with full access and early reveals, all under the dynamic Guardian Role!