GianniDoge Esport is leading DEX on BNB chain with highest liquidity. GianniDoge Esport have many products like
Trade on spot (swap)- You can swap any BEP20 token that is listed on PCS and trade Perpetual- You can do perpetual trading/derivative or futures trading/Long/short . Different names
Farm- You can earn GDE by providing the liquidity in different farms
Pool- Stake earn and earn other tokens
IFO- stake your GDE in fixed term staking and get iGDE to participate in IFO
Lottery- you can play lottery with 5 USD
World Cup Prophesy: Participating in the vote will simply be using the $GDE tokens to stake.
Pottery- stake GDE and win lottery (staking reward), you get your 100% GDE back
Prediction: predict the BNB and GDE price, whether it will go up/down and win prize
NFT- NFT Marketplace