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Updated 1 year ago by

'.$entity->createdBy->name.' SystemAPi admin

ZBNB | Horizon Protocol zBNB Crypto Research

Private Research

🌟A New Frontier Awaits!🌟

You've found a project where contributions are yet to be made. Your insights can lead the way!

Horizon Protocol bridges the products of traditional financial markets and brings it into the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) in the form of synthetic assets. Synthetic assets are tokenized derivatives, which are contracts that represent the underlying value of an asset, without requiring actually holding the asset itself. zBNB is one of the 25+ synthetic assets (zAssets) backed by Horizon Protocol’s liquidity system. Because BNB is the native coin on Horizon Protocol’s home chain, as well as the most liquid asset on the BNB Chain, liquidity for zBNB was chosen and incentivized as a secondary on/off-ramp for users to get access to zAssets on the open market (zUSD being the primary). Furthermore, a secondary zAsset market is important for non-protocol participants to also access and arbitrage zAsset open market price deviations without actually having to collateralize the zAssets themselves through staking.