What Is IDEAS (IDEAS)? IDEAS is a decentralized application platform designed to be a shared space that works on cryptocurrency and brings together entrepreneurs, investors, and skills. On the IDEAS Platform users can: Post their projects to find ‎interested investors. Borrow crypto from other users. Apply for donations to their causes or projects. Post jobs assignment to find interested freelancers. IDEAS is an ERC20 token that functions on the Ethereum blockchain, and is used for: Fees for processing transactions and storing data. Used for governance votes to determine some functionalities on the platform. How Many IDEAS Are There in Circulation? IDEAS has a fixed supply of 300 Million tokens, no more additional tokens can be minted. IDEAS will have a burn mechanism that will be automatically functional inside the platform, which renders the token Deflationary. Who Are the Founders of IDEAS? IDEAS is a decentralized project that is not owned by any organization, it is created to be ‎owned and controlled by its own community. IDEAS team has renounced the ownership of the contract. IDEAS team will work on the project until the point where the project can survive through the participation of its own community. The code will be open source for the community to participate in developing the project, and the decentralized platform will be totally controlled by the holders.