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Plato Farm is an NFT game which supports HRC721, HRC1155 and ERC1155 protocols. Players are tasked with growing plants and raising livestock on a small farm to earn MARK and PLATO tokens which can then be used with various NFT items to transform their barren land into a bustling city. Players can also start their own guilds and earn money while playing.
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Explore endless possibilities, dive deep into analytics,
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Explore endless possibilities, dive deep into analytics,
and snap up the freshest crypto gems with full access and early reveals, all under the dynamic Guardian Role!
Explore endless possibilities, dive deep into analytics,
and snap up the freshest crypto gems with full access and early reveals, all under the dynamic Guardian Role!
Explore endless possibilities, dive deep into analytics,
and snap up the freshest crypto gems with full access and early reveals, all under the dynamic Guardian Role!
Explore endless possibilities, dive deep into analytics,
and snap up the freshest crypto gems with full access and early reveals, all under the dynamic Guardian Role!